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Frequently Asked Questions

As we have fielded questions over time, we try to take note of ones worth sharing here for future reference. As the saying goes, there are no bad questions, and we are happy to answer any that come up, even if you need more clarification on any we cover here. Our hope is that this helps clarify a little better what you might expect when signing up and joining a workshop or tour, whether a Best of the Northwest offering or one of the others typically available each year.
Q - What happens when it rains or when there are adverse weather conditions?
A - One of the best parts of outdoor photography is not being able to predict the precise weather weeks or months in advance. While moderate to heavy rain, and in one case unexpected snow, has occurred during our events, it's almost never bad enough that we can't get some time in the field. I have seen very rainy forecasts that still end up with breaks that result in great photographic opportunities.
Q - How much physical activity is involved?
A - This is going to vary for every workshop or tour. The listing should describe the expectations, yet in most cases, some walking or hiking should be expected on varying terrain. These are not off-trail bushwhacking events. We do our best to stick to trails, sidewalks, etc. and in some cases we are required to. If you have concerns, please reach out regarding the specific workshop you are interested in.
Q - What is the difference between a workshop and a tour?
A - Sometimes these are used interchangbly by photographers. For us they are different. A workshop is an event that includes some sort of class-type session(s), such as an image review, processing demonstration, or presentation along with field sessions. A tour usually only includes the field sessions. We are available to help with any questions in the field for both.
Q - Do I need to drive during the event?
A - Unless the listing specifically mentions transportation is included, it's safe to assume you will need to provide transportation to the different locations during the event. We encourage participants to carpool when possible to reduce the number of vehicles, allow for social interaction, and help our climate. At some locations, carpooling is a necessity for areas with parking constraints or permit limitations.
Q - Why are prices different for events that appear to be the same offering except only the location is different?
A - There are multiple factors why even similar-looking workshops or tours might be different prices. The most common factors have to do with permits and meeting spaces, but there can be others. When permits are needed to guide participants (i.e. National Park), these require additional time and cost to procure, and often only getting more expensive. Meeting spaces once upon a time were often complementary, nowadays they can be costly.
Q - What happens if I need to cancel after signing up?
A - We have terms and conditions for every workshop and tour that includes the cancellation and refund policy. We require participants at signup to confirm they agree to the terms and conditions. If, for any reason, you don't see these listed for an available event, please let us know, and we will resolve it.
Q - Can a non-photographer partner/spouse join me?
A - This is completely workshop and tour-dependent and also depends on what part of the event this refers to. Gatherings like shared no-host meals are normally fine. Field sessions might be okay as long as they don't have a camera and it's not resulting in additional transportation logistics. They are not allowed to join class sessions such as image reviews, processing demos, and presentations. The exception to all of this is relates to participating minors, with full details in the terms and conditions. Please contact us in advance to ensure it will work for the workshop you are signing up for.
Q - Is there a specific type of camera that I need in order to participate?
A - No. While the vast majority of participants will have a mirrorless or DSLR prosumer or pro-level digital camera, and leaders for our events mostly use digital pro-level digital cameras, it's not required. You could choose to bring a film camera if that is your preference. In fact, over the last few years, a few participants have photographed primarily with their phone cameras. Different tools can allow for new opportunities or limitations, yet there isn't a requirement. We do provide suggestions on types of lenses to bring, which is normally most of them!
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